New Scout Guide to Cub Scout Pack 1154

Cub Scout Pack 1154

Pack 1154, Goose Creek District, was chartered in 1995 and rechartered in 2017 with the George C Marshall International Center located in Leesburg, Virginia.  In that time the Pack has continued to provide a quality scouting experience to its Scouts and their families.  Having achieved our 9th consecutive Gold Level Journey to Excellence Award, we are striving to make every year our best!  

What is Cub Scouting?

Cub Scouting is having fun learning life skills thru adventure, community service, and friendships.

Who can participate?

Any boy or girl grades K thru 5th grade. We are a Family Scouting Program Pack which allows both boys and girls to officially participate in Cub Scouts. We offer ways for boys and girls of the same age to participate in dens together.

Why Scouts?

We embrace the Pack 1154 Cub Scouts program because it helps youth develop academic skills, self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives through:

Life Learning - Scouting provides structured settings where young people can learn new skills and develop habits of continual learning that will help them succeed.

Faith, Family & Tradition - Faith and family tradition can become an important part of a child's identity.  Our major faiths breed hope, optimism, compassion, and a belief in a better tomorrow.   Scouting encourages each young person to begin a journey where they can practice their faith and traditions that shape who they become.

Service for Others - Scouting encourages young people to recognize the needs of others and take action accordingly. Scouting works through neighborhoods, volunteer organizations, and faith-based organizations to help young people appreciate and respond to the needs of others.

Healthy Living - To get the most from life, one must be both mentally and physically fit. A commitment to physical wellness has been reflected in Scouting's outdoor programs such as hiking, camping, swimming, climbing, and conservation.

Building Character - We teach values and responsibility to our children - not only right from wrong, but specific, affirmative values such as fairness, courage, honor, and respect for others. Beginning with the Scout Oath and Scout Law, the Boy Scouts of America program is infused with character-building activities that allow youth to apply abstract principles to daily living situations.

Scouting America Mission

The mission of Scouting America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.

Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law

  • Trustworthy -- A Scout tells the truth. They are honest, and they keep promises. People can depend on them.

  • Loyal -- A Scout is true to his family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and nation.

  • Helpful -- A Scout cares about other people. They willingly volunteer to help others without expecting payment or reward.

  • Friendly -- A Scout is a friend to all. They are a brother or sister to other Scouts. They offers their friendship to people of all races and nations, and respects them even if their beliefs and customs are different from their own.

  • Courteous -- A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. They know that using good manners makes it easier for people to get along.

  • Kind -- A Scout knows there is strength in being gentle. They treat others as they wants to be treated. Without good reason, they do not harm or kill any living thing.

  • Obedient -- A Scout follows the rules of their family, school, and troop. They obey the laws of their community and country. If they think these rules and laws are unfair, they try to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobeying them.

  • Cheerful -- A Scout looks for the bright side of life. They cheerfully does tasks that come their way. They try to make others happy.

  • Thrifty -- A Scout works to pay their own way and to help others. They save for the future. They protects and conserves natural resources. They carefully use time and property.

  • Brave -- A Scout can face danger although they are afraid. They have the courage to stand for what they thinks is right even if others laugh at them or threaten them.

  • Clean -- A Scout keeps their body and mind fit and clean. They choose the company of those who live by high standards. They help keep their home and community clean.

  • Reverent -- A Scout is reverent toward God. They are faithful in their religious duties. They respects the beliefs of others.

The Cub Scout Pack Structure

This is a short 101 video explaining the structure of the scouting program.

The Pack

Your cub scout is part of the Pack. The Pack is made up of the individual Dens, the Pack leaders (like the cubmaster and committee chair) and the parents/guardians of the cub scouts. 

The Pack Committee

The core volunteer pack leadership who plan, program and carry out pack activities with the help of event volunteers. 

  • Committee Chair - The Committee Chair oversees the administrative functions of the pack, ensuring all operations align with BSA standards and goals.

  • Cubmaster - The Cubmaster is the primary program leader responsible for leading the pack's activities, meetings, and events.

  • Treasurer - The Treasurer manages the pack's finances, including budgeting, fundraising, and financial reporting.

  • Awards - Responsible for tracking and distributing awards and recognitions to scouts within the pack, ensuring each scout's achievements are celebrated.

  • Charter Rep - The Charter Representative liaises between the pack and its chartered organization, ensuring alignment with the BSA mission and goals.

  • Committee Members and Parents - All committee meetings and leader meetings are open to every committee member and parent, fostering a collaborative environment where everyone's input is valued.


Within each Pack, scouts are divided into separate dens according to grade level and in girl or boy dens. Dens will consist of 5-10 scouts. Each den will have at least one Scouting America Registered adult leader. In most cases, the den will also have an assistant leader.

Any boy or girl who is 6 years old or in Kindergarten may join Cub Scouts. Ranks are as a follows:

A chart of ages and the corresponding rank, uniform, book, camping and summer program

2024-25 Den Leaders

Lion (K) - | Lion Guide & Parent Round Robin
Tiger (1st)
- To be Announced.
Wolf (2nd) - William Woolsey
Bear (3rd) - Lisa Moore, Rob Winter (Assistant)
Webelos (4th) - Josh Boyd
AOL (5th) - AJ Russo

** Pack 1154 strives to maintain dens of 6-8 scouts. We strive for families to participate in scouting together. Pack 1154 allows for girls and boys to meet together in dens.


Cub Scout progresses from rank to rank, learning new skills as they go. Each of the ranks and awards in Cub Scouting has its own requirements. As you advance through the ranks, the requirements get more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities you learn as you get older. 

The Parents/Guardians

Parents/Guardians are one of the most important elements in the success of the pack.
For your scout and the pack to have success the parents need to:

  • Provide help and support for the den and pack.

  • Work with your son or daughter on advancement projects and activities.

  • Attend pack meetings with your scout and present their advancement awards at the pack meeting.

  • Attend and assist with den outings.

  • Attend Cub Scout Family campouts with your scout.



"Many hands make light work." All our pack leaders are all parents with scouts and volunteers.  We ask that each parent make an effort to help the pack in some way to make light work for all of us.  Please complete our family talent survey to help us understand your skills and interests that may align with our pack.

Why Volunteer? -- As cub leaders, we choose to make Cub Scouts a part of our parenting. We model the importance of volunteering and making time for quality experiences with our children. Our kids experience pride when we stand with them in uniforms leading them in the ways of scouting. We have an opportunity to show our children a different side of who we are as parents and people. We are given the invaluable opportunity to strengthen the bond with our children. Your active involvement in your child’s scouting experience has a deep lifelong impact in their self-esteem, self-worth and mental-emotional development.

For more on volunteering with the pack, Be a Volunteer — Cub Scout Pack 1154 (Ashburn, VA)

New to Scouts -- Many of our leaders never participated in Scouts before they volunteered at Pack 1154. Fortunately, the Scouting America provides us training that teaches us how to be effective Cub Scout leaders. We also have the collective experience of everyone in the pack to answer questions, support each other as we work together.

The Pack Meeting

Pack meetings are important for the identity of our Pack.  Meetings are usually held on the last Tuesday of the month in the cafeteria at Sanders Corner Elementary School from 7-8 PM. 

What other activities are available to Cub Scouts and their families?

We're a bustling pack with a calendar full of exciting activities for both Cub Scouts and their families! While we'd love for you to join in and get the most out of the Cub Scout experience, please know that taking part in these activities is completely optional. Our typical annual events include:

Typical Annual Pack Activities

  • Scouting for Food (Food Collection)

  • Service Projects

  • Blue & Gold Banquet

  • Pinewood Derby

  • Spring and Fall Family Camp Out

  • Day Camp, Cub Weekend Camp & Webelos & Arrow of Light Summer Camps

  • Water bottle Rockets

  • Rocketry Day

  • Bike Rodeo

  • Planned Hikes

  • Scout Skill Challenges

  • Treasure Hunt

  • Raingutter regatta (boat racing)

  • Special Outings (Museums & Tours)

2024-2025 Activity Calendar

Stay in the Loop with Pack 1154!

To keep you well-informed about all our exciting activities and updates, we use multiple channels for communication:

The Cost of Scouts

$285 for 12 months of Scouting! If you are new, REGISTER HERE. After completing your Scout's registration and paying the Scouting America membership fee ($85) and the NCAC membership fee ($80), we will approve your registration. Please pay the Pack 1154 activities and awards fee: $120 for the first Scout and $100 for each additional Scout. You can pay this fee through our website form or by check.

Your fees include:

  • National Scouting America Membership

  • National Activity Insurance

  • Council Participation Fee

  • Patches & Awards

  • Neckerchief & Slide

  • Pinewood Derby Kits

  • School Year Activities

  • Spring & Fall Camp Out

  • Blue and Gold Banquet

  • Summer Activities

Other costs include uniforms and some activity fees including those for the Day Camp and Resident Camps. Youth members participate in one fund-raising activity (popcorn), which helps to cover Den supplies, equipment, and other activities.

Financial Hardship Exemptions & Scholarships - Please contact our Pack Committee Chair for more information. 

The Uniform

Field Uniform

The Cub Scout Field Uniform (“CLASS A”) uniform is the official uniform of the Scouting America Cub Scouts program. The shirt is worn at our Pack meetings, Den meetings and formal and ceremonial occasions. Please see the official Scouting America guide the the field uniform.

It has the following parts:

Families to Purchase

  • [Required] Field Uniform Shirt— Lions (Kindergarten) have a T-shirt as their official uniform top. The official blue buttoned uniform with the "BSA" lettered in Gold above the right pocket is for Tigers (1st grade) thru WEBELOS (4th grade). The official Tan Uniform with the "BSA" lettered in Red above the right pocket is for the Arrow of Light rank (5th grade) and into the Scout BSA program (after Cub Scouts). We recommend that you purchase a short sleeve shirt with "room to grow." (required @ Pack 1154, we will provide all patches required)

  • [OPTIONAL] Trousers or shorts —Shorts, long pants, skorts, and roll up pants all are in official blue.

  • [OPTIONAL] Belt—Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle and Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, or Webelos Scout emblem. Belt loop adventure achievements can be worn on the belt.

  • [OPTIONAL] Cap — Lions thru Bears wear the Official navy-blue cap with the Rank Emblem. The Webelos wear the official green cap with Webelos plaid front and Webelos emblem. The Arrow of Light Scouts may wear any official BSA cap.

    PACK 1154 will provide the following:

  • Neckerchief- Lions thru AOL will be provided a triangle necker

  • Triangular neckerchief is orange with navy-blue trim for Tiger Cubs, gold with navy-blue trim for Wolf Cub Scouts, light blue with navy-blue trim for Bear Cub Scouts, and plaid for Webelos Scouts. Official Scouting America neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that scouts should wear. Packs should not make their own pack neckerchiefs. Official Scouting America neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that are part of the uniform. 

  • Neckerchief slide—Official gold-tone metal slide with Rank Logo. Scouts may wear handmade neckerchief slides.

  • Patches - Patches for the uniform such as Council Patch, Unit Numbers (1154), World scouting patch and Den number.

Cub Scout Uniform Guidelines for Boys and Girls
Official Placement of Insignia from Boy Scouts of America Website (PDF) 

Activity Uniform

The Cub Scout Activity Uniform (“CLASS B”) is a pack designed shirt that the scouts (& family members) can wear to show their pack pride to Cub Scout pack 1154 outings, service project and camping events.

Updated Activity Uniform (Class B) Order Form Link for 2024
Orders Due by Sept 18, shirt available by Oct 7th.

The Activity Uniform can only be ordered through the pack.


There are few area scout shops where you can purchase all the official Scouting America supplies for your scout. 

Dulles Town Center Scout Shop Express (Pop Up Shop Aug. 1 – Oct. 27)
21100 Dulles Town Cir Suite 130
Dulles, VA 20166
Mon-Thur: 11:00am-8:00pm
Fri-Sat: 10am-9pm
Sun: 11:00am-7:00pm
Lower level, JCPenney entrance. We are in the center of the mall by the escalators and Starbucks kiosk.

Northern Virginia Scout Shop (Official Scouting America Store) [Ravensworth Shopping Center]
Uniform Supply | Camping Gear
5234 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA22151
(703) 321-4836

Camp Snyder Store (Official Scouting America Store)
Uniform Supply | Camp Trading Post
6100 Antioch Rd
Haymarket, VA 20169
(571) 248-4904
Limited Hours, Scout Shop – Camp Snyder (

National Capital Area Scout Shop (Official Scouting America Store)
Uniform Supply | Camping Gear
9190 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20814-3897
(301) 564-1091

Alternatively, you can order everything online from the Scouting America retail store at

Useful Links