Be a Volunteer
Pack 1154 Family Talent Survey
As scouts grow up and move onto the Scouts BSA Program, their families move on as a normal part of Cub Scouting. We will say goodbye to an excellent group of volunteers, but also say hello to the next generation of scout families that will provide their talents, guidance, and leadership to the pack family.
Why I Volunteer for Cub Scouts
The average life expectancy in the US is about 78 years. For each of one of our children, we hope they experience the amazing things in life and contribute to the world in a meaningful way. Of 78 years, there are about eight years that are considered the formative years, where our children rapidly develop their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical selves. Though they may venture into the world bravely, they still rely on us to help them learn who they are and what they will become. As they become pre-teens, our influence wanes and their independence grows larger as they journey towards the adults we hope they become.
Why Cub Scouts— Scouting is more than what is outlined in our Scout books, it feeds development and strengthens family bonds. The BSA Cub Scout program it is made up of the things we aspire to teach our kids in a fun and adventurous way. It is an ultimate life-hack guide that uses core values such as the Scout Law and Oath to bridge the gap of the formative years and to the pre-teen years. Of all the programs and experiences we share with our kids, scouting is one of the best and most lasting, as it instills curiosity, adventure, preparation, kindness, and leadership. A scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
Why Volunteer?— As cub leaders, we choose to make Cub Scouts a part of our parenting. We model the importance of volunteering and making time for quality experiences with our children. Our kids experience pride when we stand with them in uniforms leading them in the ways of scouting. We have an opportunity to show our children a different side of who we are as parents and people. We are given the invaluable opportunity to strengthen the bond with our children. Your active involvement in your child’s scouting experience has a deep lifelong impact in their self-esteem, self-worth and mental-emotional development.
New to Scouts —Many of our leaders never participated in Scouts before they volunteered at Pack 1154. Fortunately, the BSA provides us training that teaches us how to be effective Cub Scout leaders. We also have the collective experience of everyone in the pack to answer questions, support each other as we work together.
Why Pack 1154?— Pack 1154 is filled with great scouts and families. As a result, the pack has earned five gold level quality unit awards, which is earned base on health and activity of the Pack 1154 program, its leaders and families. We do this because we enjoy it, not just because we must.
"Room full of balloons" by antwelm is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Many Hands Makes Light Work—To run a pack, there are a lot of jobs, big and small. It is like having a 100 balloons of various sizes filling a room, each representing a job in a given scouting year. It requires everyone in the pack to pick up one or two balloons to have all the balloons off the ground. There are jobs for every person, commitment level and skill. Some jobs are upfront (such as guest speakers, program leaders, presenter), behinds the scenes (event assistants, program helpers, committee members), creatives (crafters, designers, actors, builders), organizers (event organizers, activity planners, fundraisers), leaders (committee leadership, treasurer, den leaders, cubmaster), etc. Some are year round roles and some are limited to one event, but we need all of these jobs to be done to have a successful year.
Our Ask!
Complete the online parent talent survey. This will help us understand the resources available in our Pack.
Volunteer your skills and talents when the Pack has a need.
Consider a leadership position and indicate your interest. We will follow up and answer questions before making any commitments.
Pack 1154 Family Talent Survey
For questions about volunteering with Pack 1154 email us at
Yours in Scouting,
Pack 1154