Note from Pack 1154 Committee

Good Morning Pack 1154 Families,

First and foremost, we hope this email finds everyone healthy, and continuing on with Family Life as best you can.  

As your aware LCPS has canceled all school activities ‪through next Friday, 3/27, as well as numerous activities between now and the end of the school year. This will immediately impact our upcoming meetings and events.

Late this week, our National Capital Area Council office in Bethesda released an email that many of you may have received.  It is posted on the Council website if you would like to review:

In the interest of putting Safety first for all Scouts, Scouters and Families, Pack 1154 is hereby canceling all Pack scheduled in person meetings, events and outings ‪thru April 13, 2020.  As of today, no decisions have been regarding Summer Camps at the NCAC level. Please note early discount sign up for summer camps have been extended to April 30th.

A Scout is Prepared, please know that myself as Cubmaster, Den Leaders, and Other Committee Members have been proactively discussing plans; predicting that events were potentially going to be affected.  We hope to organize some virtual meetings to keep everyone involved with Scouting.

We will be working closely with the Den Leaders and committee members and will provide another update In regard to virtual meetings to the Pack next week. 

Please feel free to reach out to any of us on the Committee or your Den Leaders with any questions. 

Yours in Scouting,
Jason Beshore, Cubmaster
Kimberly Crawley, Committee Chair

Note: Our Government provides a source of information that may help understand the changing environment: